Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vienna, it's a beautiful city full of it's friendly people , who look most like any others, cept they either have the Austrian alps influence, hearty and pretty hairy, or the soft flowing Danube, viennese influence, pretty as a post card, handsome as an alpha wolf, BUT!!!! WTF is this smoking like a chimney all about!
The thing that grabs my short hairs is their absolute guilt-less attitude in this nasty and 'get away from me' habit. 
I would sit at an outdoor cafe along a street where everyone walks to see something, and next to me could be  the loveliest middle aged gent or lady, dressed politely and out of nowhere the smoke would be over my table. Egads, austrians, can't you be satisfied with Ur hills 'are alive' beauty, Mozart and Strauss filling the soft breezes coming from those same mountains on which  Julie twirled and twirled? And not smoke?  At least not smoke around me, mr. P!  


Aaaahhh, come on!!
That was in the Washington post.  
Some things r a bit over a line cause of hyper-sensitivities, this I understand, but making a commentary on the prez's hip-hop BBQ at the white house is no more silly or fun-poking(or mean-spirited) than having a go at a polish party at a weddi dancing to their polkas, or Irish rowdies at a soccer bash at the national team's celebration, Or the stiff-upper-lipped Brits having a go at the cricket match, or some red-neck carolinans funnin at a turkey shoot, on and on.
NOW, cause we have chosen to Have fun-loving cross/cultural references  on ALL our diverse nation, we should not have an innocent say bout one particular race/culture??? (wouldn't bama have something to do with all this pokin when he called the Washington police 'stupid' for their handling of the professor?)

Isn't this a silly defense now that 'I'm a highly sensitive , watch what is said around me Lady doc'
It hits, it seems, smack squarely on Ur argument over making apologies to the A M?
a  program of help in school and college for the A M?
Draws attention to their lessness, righto?
Now u r offended? but keep them basically in their own kennels type attitude, eh??

U say,'it's cause a proper helping hand only makes their plight worse', or does this come from years and years of 'special'thinking?

It's people who object over a conservative media's or person's joining in on the fun of a culture event that baffles me just enough to 'put me to sleep.' but when it comes from a friend who has in his makeup, the following ;  use of 'nigger' word, in ref to a A M... The N is less intelligent ... (proven by the study of DOGS), if a N has a wee bit too much BUFFAGE, Aaahhhh, I'd rather not....
AND..... "matt, I'm driving thru some areas that I'm the only white man, and hope I'm coming out alive." (or something very similar)

Hip hop is the A M's market term.
I wonder if is newly found concern over Ur bros have more to do with Ur constant zig-zag of political, social, sexual, state de flux.
First, u say,  they r not smart, then, they r too much like who they r, then, they scare me, then they r Ns'.
Maybe It's a case here of two who have diverse racial feelings,however, one, who wishes to speak of his feelings, but will do nothing about them, cause he knows those feelings r his truths, and the other one , who accepts without an explanation of intelligent reasoning, his attitudes, historically born, and personally witnessed, who knows the truths allow for the need  of a helping hand , in it's most efficient form, of course,  for a race terribly mis-used by  others, as well as by their own ugly modern choices.
now an article bout a  fox person having a go at 'the bama hip hop BBQ, which is no more offensive than a lib saying it, but a great deal less offensive than Ur ramarks and feelings .
           Relax bro, Ur probably just in a temp state of confusion.
Oh, btw,  what do u say to several media in print and on camera, calling the tea party extremists? Not too over-the-line in my book, that's for sure.
 How bout the same ones calling them terrorists? And, they weren't even  referring ro a gathering of these terrorists  at a government BBQ ___shindig!!
Oooooops, I'm sorry old man, I didn't mean to be ugly bout another group of Americans, okies!!